Kristoffer Strube’s Blog

.NET, Blazor, and much more!
Multithreading in Blazor WASM using Web Workers

Multithreading in Blazor WASM using Web Workers

July 17, 2024

In this article, we will go through how to use two of the most prominent Blazor Web Workers OSS libraries; we will show a separate Web Workers implementation that I have created myself which uses the experimental-wasm .NET workload and, in the end, do a little comparison of how each of them performs for a variety of workloads.

Cancelling long-running JSInterop calls

Cancelling long-running JSInterop calls

April 29, 2024

In this article, we will show how to cancel a JSInterop invocation in the middle of its invocation using the AbortController and AbortSignal types and present how the Blazor.DOM library makes this easy.

A holistic comparison of Blazor WASM performance from ASP.NET Core 5 to 8

A holistic comparison of Blazor WASM performance from ASP.NET Core 5 to 8

January 25, 2024

In this article, we will attempt to compare the performance of a varied set of tasks in Blazor WASM with and without AOT from ASP.NET Core 5 up to 8.

Reading notes from Performance Improvements in .NET 8

Reading notes from Performance Improvements in .NET 8

September 26, 2023

In this post, I will share my reading notes from Stephen Toub's post on Performance Improvements in .NET 8 to give you a quick insight into what I found interesting. I especially found the improvements made to the JIT compiler interesting, so I will primarily touch on those.

Blazor.SVGEditor: Released

Blazor.SVGEditor: Released

July 26, 2023

In this article, we will look at what features the Blazor SVG Editor NuGet package brings out of the box and how you can extend the functions of the base library to make your own interactive graphical tool.

Typed exceptions for JSInterop in Blazor

Typed exceptions for JSInterop in Blazor

May 26, 2023

In this article, we look at how the existing error-handling implementation for JSInterop is made in Blazor. We then look at how we can map the error types defined in the standard WebIDL specification to C# exceptions, and in the end, we show some examples of how to use this in practice when making JS invocations.

Typed SignalR Clients - Making type-safe real-time communication in .NET

Typed SignalR Clients - Making type-safe real-time communication in .NET

April 06, 2023

In this post, we will make a sticky note bulletin board in Blazor WASM and add real-time collaboration to it using a typed SignalR client to showcase how to use typed SignalR clients.

How to send push notifications to a browser in ASP.NET Core

How to send push notifications to a browser in ASP.NET Core

March 22, 2023

In this article, we will show how you can subscribe to Push Notifications using ASP.NET Core and how you can send Push Notifications from .NET as well.

Wrapping Compression Streams in Blazor

Wrapping Compression Streams in Blazor

March 17, 2023

In this post we go through how to wrap the Compression Streams API in Blazor and we make a small demo that uses the wrapper.

The Blazor NavigationManager

The Blazor NavigationManager

February 23, 2023

In this post, we will look at the basic capabilities of the NavigationManager, present what new features were added in ASP.NET Core 7, discuss how it fits into the Blazor/.NET ecosystem, and in the end present a scenario that is now possible with relative ease using new additions from ASP.NET Core 7.

Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog

February 17, 2023

In this post I introduce myself, show some of the projects that I have worked a lot with, and in the end talk about what I will blog about in the future.